How Counseling Can Help Manage Alcoholism




People who are suffering from alcohol dependence believe that they will be unable to function normally without alcohol. Drinking becomes one of the top priorities in their life.

Here are some of the most typical symptoms that may suggest that you have an alcohol problem.

  • Inability to control your drinking habit. You desire to drink daily, and when you begin, you can’t stop.
  • You feel a strong craving for alcohol that disrupts your daily activities.
  • You often want to stay in bars and pubs.
  • Your breakfast always includes alcohol (or perhaps you take it alone without breakfast).
  • You develop a tolerance to alcohol, so you need more of it to feel the effects.
  • You don’t acknowledge that you have a drinking problem. You frequently downplay the harmful effects or complain that family and friends are overthinking about your issues.
  • You start neglecting the other parts of your life, like your family, work, sports, and other hobbies.
  • You get anxious about when you are going to drink again, and the social events you plan are often around alcohol.
  • If you try to quit, you have withdrawal symptoms like shakiness, anxiety, nausea, insomnia, irritability, and fatigue.

How Alcohol Develops

Alcoholism is a kind of addiction. The two typical kids of addiction include psychological and physical addiction.

Psychological. In some situations, individuals become dependent on alcohol as a means to cope with certain psychological problems. Drinking alcohol somehow fills a void and helps them block unpleasant experiences and alleviate the stress from these problems. Psychological addiction is not caused by chemical alterations found in the brain. Most people drink excessively so that they won’t feel their painful emotions.

This variation of alcohol abuse may result in additional problems. Others might begin to feel severe emotions of despair, guilt, and shame. Consequently, a harmful cycle of alcohol reliance develops.

Physical. Individuals who crave casual drinking belong to this variation. When they see, smell, or think about alcohol, it produces some pleasure. Because of the chemical alterations in the brain, chronic drinkers begin to want the pleasure and emotional relief that alcohol produces.


Yielding to this craving will increase the desire to drink alcohol again. An alcoholic’s body gradually becomes familiar with alcohol so that it doesn’t produce the same effect anymore. This tolerance only elicits further desire to drink, and if a person attempts to stop, they develop withdrawal symptoms, trapping them in a hazardous cycle of alcohol reliance.

How Counseling Can Help With Alcoholism

The initial step towards managing and eventually overcoming alcohol dependence is to acknowledge that there is a problem. People who struggle with alcohol abuse can conveniently persuade themselves that there is no problem or trying their best to fight it. But these thought patterns are negative and unhealthy and might make some people increase their likelihood of harming themselves.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is among the most successful types of alcohol treatment. This type of counseling deals with behavioral and thought patterns to destroy certain psychological or emotional connections to habits. By understanding the primary thought processes and emotions that lead to addiction, alcoholics can eventually learn to take control of their desire to drink.

In the long term, they will unravel new methods and strategies that help tackle their issues and uncertainties without turning to alcohol. Counselors can provide professional guidance and support that alcoholics need to change their lives for the better.

Helping People With Alcoholism

Alcohol addiction – or any form of addiction, for that matter – can overshadow a person’s thoughts and control his actions. It dominates his thoughts and alters the direction of his life. Logically, this is extremely hard for parents, children, workers, friends, and others to manage.

It isn’t easy to know how to support a person who has become alcohol-dependent. If you have a loved one who is a problem drinker, getting help can be frustrating. He would often deny his addiction and make it more difficult to encourage him to get help. Excessive alcohol consumption is tremendously harmful to one’s physical and mental well-being and can ultimately produce deleterious and irreversible effects.


Almost always, humiliation is associated with alcoholism and can be a challenge to surpass when seeking help. A great initial step is to urge alcoholics to consult with their primary care physician. They will be able to talk about the treatments and services accessible to them, like counseling or psychotherapy, to help them recover from the addiction. Remember that addiction can control your loved one’s life, so strive to support him the best way that you can.

When Looking For An Alcohol Abuse Counselor

There are apparently no rules requiring a specific level of training for counselors who work in alcohol addiction. Still, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence or NICE has gathered some clinical regulations that outline suggestions about treatments with medications and therapy and what type of services can help people with alcohol addiction. Key suggestions include medications and psychological treatments that can help individuals avoid alcohol or decrease their level of drinking to a less hazardous degree and planned withdrawal from an alcoholic beverage, which helps individuals quit drinking safely.